Every business owner is looking for ways to expand their reach, find more leads and make bigger sales. Pumping in money into advertisements is one way but businesses worldwide have found a more cost-effective option: blogging. Did you know that companies that blog have an average of 67% more leads monthly than companies that don’t blog? You may be wondering why blogs have such power as a digital marketing tool. Well, let’s break it down.
1. Drive traffic to your site
Marketers have heard the term ‘SEO’ way too many times but we can’t run away from it especially with the visibility it can give your website. When you have an SEO-optimised blog post filled with keywords related to your industry niche and your target audience, Google will rank your website higher on their search engine to garner more clicks. Other than SEO practices, many businesses may even choose to guest post on blogs that have a bigger readership. These blog posts include inbound links to their website so that visitors are redirected to their products and services.
2. Be seen as the top brand among your competitors
A blog page should be filled with informative and knowledgeable bites about your industry, services or products. By sharing informative content on these topics, you’re proving that you have an in-depth understanding of your niche, instilling credibility and trust in your audience. However, if your blog posts are written in an amateur way without a clear flow, this could also cast your business in a bad light. Always get your blog posts written by a professional and experienced writer that can craft content in your very own brand voice.
3. Create more content for social media
By now, everyone should know the importance of having a social media presence to get your brand noticed by the masses. With 1 billion monthly active users on Instagram, posting frequent content is key to reaching a larger audience and improving engagement for your brand. But we know how hard it can be brainstorming content and sometimes it feels like we’ve completely run out of ideas. If you’re ever in this position, your blog posts will be a great source of content to repurpose into a social media post while redirecting your audience to your site. Not only do you get engagement on your social media channels, but you’re also redirecting visitors to your website to purchase your products or services. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!
4. Keep your audience interested and engaged
A key part of selling anything is being able to connect with your target audience on an emotional level. When your potential customers are emotionally engaged with your brand, there’s a higher chance of them sticking with your business for the long run. Blogs are one great way to help get a conversation started, allowing you to build a loyal community. When your customers are invested in your blog content, they are more likely to share them on their personal social media pages, expanding your reach even further. Not only will these buyers come back for more, but they’ll also be bringing their referrals to your site. Therefore, when crafting a blog, it’s important to understand your target audience and write with their needs and goals in mind to keep them interested in your brand. A well-written blog post always has an underlying marketing strategy together with interesting content!
5. Advertise with meaningful and helpful content
Have you ever seen in-your-face advertisements that basically scream at you to buy their products? These advertised posts can sometimes make their audience become hyper-aware of their sales techniques, resulting in potential customers ignoring them altogether. What some may not know is that blogs are also a form of advertising that can sell a brand subtly. However, it’s not as simple as typing your thoughts away. Your blogs have to contain meaningful and helpful content while also plugging your business. At the core of it, your blogs advertise your business while also allowing your audience to learn more, making it less ‘salesy’ and off-putting. Therefore, it’s important for blogs to weave in a call-to-action with its informative content.
With 90% of businesses using content marketing techniques like blogging to make their sales, brands that choose not to create a blog page are falling behind. When it comes to blogging, it’s important to post regular content to keep your audience coming back and also maintain that edge over your competitors. In all honesty, when you’re running a business, blogging is the last thing on your mind. If you’d like to add this lucrative marketing tool to your business plan without the hassle of writing weekly blogs, drop me a message with all your blog writing needs and I’ll help you out!